The View from the Front. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
Can someone get the House back in session and BACK from its two-week vacation? There's work to be done...

Can someone get the House back in session and BACK from its two-week vacation? There's work to be done...


Welcome to The View from the Front podcast. My name is Stan and this is the March 28th edition. 

You can listen to the podcast by clicking the link above. There is also an AI-generated transcript that you can find above. Or, you can find the podcast on your favorite channel below:


Timestamp: 4:59. The Ukraine military aid bill that’s stuck in the House. What’s the latest on this? Where’s it at? How did we get here?

Timestamp: 11:28. Let me share the scariest thing I’ve heard yet from a Congressional reporter… Could there really be no Ukraine aid until the election?

Timestamp: 13:48. Also, just as scary. Are the two discharge petitions just symbolic? Fake little appearances of action, that won’t even be acted on?

Timestamp: 20:13. A Republican makes the case for why Republicans should pass Ukraine aid for Trump’s own good, in case Trump is elected, since Russia could very well be in the middle of its final steps of finishing off the conquering of Ukraine as Trump takes office.

Timestamp: 28:17. Russia has carried out its most successive attacks against Ukraine in the past week, as depleted air defenses inside Ukraine are unable to knock down the incoming ballistic and cruise missiles.

Timestamp: 34:57. Ukraine’s attacks on Russia’s oil refineries are starting to make a dent on the country led by Putin.

Timestamp: 37:38. ISIS hits Moscow theater, killing more than 150. What are the implications of this attack, and will there be more?

Timestamp: 46:47. Contrary to popular belief on the far Right, there’s only one way Russia can win the war in Ukraine. I cover that in brief.

Timestamp: 50:25. While the United States dithers on Ukraine aid, a few European countries have stepped up yet again in the past week.

Timestamp: 53:41. Is America at its most dangerous point militarily speaking in 40 years? It is according to at least one currently serving four-star admiral, who testified in front of Congress.

Timestamp: 58:34. China has again taken dangerous actions against lawful Philippine operations in the South China Sea, injuring Filipino service members and significantly damaging their vessel.

Timestamp: 1:05:36. Motivation and encouragement, just for you.

Timestamp 1:12:28. Some final words of unity and a few special words for those vets out there (and non-vets, too) who are struggling with PTSD or are just in a really low valley right now. I think it’s really important to discuss this topic in every single show since veterans are at 57% higher risk of suicide than their peers of the same age groups who haven't served. Please listen to this if you are struggling.

If you just happened to stumble by, let me say a quick word about what we’re doing here.

For those who don’t know, my name is Stan R. Mitchell, and I’m a prior Marine and journalist.

Every week, I primarily do three things with my podcast:

Take a listen to the podcast. I really hope you get something out of it.

Selected source notes for podcast and transcript above.

U.S./Ukraine news:

Opinion — Free gift link: If Ukraine falls, it will be the GOP’s Afghanistan

Learn more about the Bucha massacre

Russia attacks Ukrainian electrical power facilities

Kharkiv thermal power plant will take years to rebuild

Exclusive: Russia increases gasoline imports from Belarus as domestic supplies shrink


Never, ever give up section:

I always like to share a few from the Bible, because that book has become such a source of strength and wisdom and calm for me during the past year.

And, I always like to end each week’s notes with this one:

And with that, thanks for joining us this week on The View from the Front.

If you can, consider at some point becoming a paid subscriber.

The View from the Front. By Stan R. Mitchell. is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

That’s it for this edition.

Dealing with PTSD? Emotionally or mentally at rock bottom? Here’s the link that I mention in each podcast: Be like Ozzie; go near your master. (The power of prayer. Part 1.)

Love my moderate, optimistic view of politics and want to know more about how I see things?

Go here:

As a reminder, please be kind and try your best to love your fellow Americans.

So many men and women have sacrificed, fought, and died to keep this country together the past 240-plus years. Please work daily to unite our country again. The vast majority of Americans are decent, loving, great people.

Also, please try to be a better person each and every day. Try to be kinder on social media and how you interact with others with whom you disagree.

Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then.

Don’t forget: You can comment anytime — I try to monitor those. You can also reach out privately at: (You can say “hi,” vent, or send news tips! I love all three of those things!)

Love and peace,

Stan R. Mitchell

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my books. I’ve written a CIA/Marine sniper series, a detective series, a private investigator series, an action-packed Western, a motivational self-help book about President Obama, and two realistic war novels: one about World War II and one about Afghanistan. You can find all of these books on Amazon.

Want to know more about me? Click here: About me. You can also learn more about my journey here: Writers are crazy, and I’m crazier than most.

#mil #podcast #military #ukraine #china #russia #RussiaUkraineWar #motivation #inspiration #Bible #usmc #army #navy #airforce #politics #defensenews #OSINT #theviewfromthefront 

The View from the Front. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
Every Thursday, I cover our military, plus share some motivation, all while trying my best to unite our country. All posts are FREE! This show has no ads! However, please consider helping sustain and support the show for $5 per month from either Substack or Patreon. Thank you in advance for your support and for spreading the word about this independent show!!