The View from the Front Podcast. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
Episode 10-18-22

Episode 10-18-22

Hey guys!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Just wanted to put up a brief announcement today. I’m going to be changing things up a tad on here.

We’re going to be going to one day a week, publishing on Thursdays.

There are a number of reasons for the change.

For starters, I’ve been researching the most successful publications, and almost every one of them is once a week. (Same thing for podcasts. The most successful ones that you find on Apple, Spotify, etc, are once a week — with the great exception being re-broadcasts of television cable shows, or in news situations where it’s a full-time enterprise). 

Also, I know that once a week would be of better quality, allowing for higher-quality writing and recording. 

Finally, I have reached out to many of my paid subscribers and even some of them have admitted that they get behind or skip/miss editions with it being twice a week. I know people are super busy, and I get that. But if even my paying folks aren’t reading/listening to every edition, then twice a week is too much.

So, for all of these reasons, I’m going to move to a once-a-week publication on Thursdays.

I also wanted to say that I’ve become convinced based on my research of talking with other creators and my own paid subscribers that people convert to paying subscribers based on a patronage/support reason; not for some benefit such as unlocking a day early, commenting as a paid subscriber, or receiving exclusive paid-post-only editions. 

So the posts will be free to everyone on Thursdays.

This once-a-week schedule will have one added advantage, besides simply quality. That advantage is that by moving to once a week, I’ll be able to put out occasional breaking news editions, instead of just waiting a day or two for the Tuesday or Friday edition, when the news by that point was already stale. 

The bottom line is I think that once-a-week releases will allow for higher-quality writing and podcasting, as well as occasional breaking news alerts that are timely.

As always, I am super appreciative of everyone’s support!

If you have any questions, please free to reach out to me. And if I don’t hear from you, you’ll see the next episode in two days! I’m already hard at work on it!


Stan R. Mitchell

The View from the Front Podcast. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
A podcast about defense news and looming hotspots, produced by a prior Marine who's trying to unite the country. Plus, each episode ends with a piece called the, "Never, ever give up segment." It's a piece of American history that will inspire you!