Hi friend,
Happy Friday! Hope everyone has had a great week! And that you also have some great weekend plans!
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve created both a written and audio edition. But I’ve got to face reality and admit that I don’t have to do both the written and audio edition. So from this point forward, you’ll see the audio edition above. And I’ll paste the source notes below.
But it won’t be nearly as well-written.
I apologize I can’t do both, but the reality is that I simply don’t have time to do both while working a full-time day job.
One benefit of this is I think doing this will allow me to record longer podcast versions, which I’m hearing is what most of you want.
So, if you just happen to be stopping by on the internet, or you’ve arrived here from the Apple Podcast, here is how you sign up.
If you’re on Apple Podcast, click the “episode website” button at the bottom. Otherwise, not all of the source notes (which are often tweets) will show up.
Source Notes follow (motivational tweets at bottom):
On the topic of Russia, I cited, quoted from, etc, the following:

On the topic of China, I cited, quoted from, etc, the following:

Now, let‘s move to some motivation and wisdom.

That’s it for this edition.
As a reminder, please be kind and try your best to love your fellow Americans.
I believe with every fiber of my being that we have to pull this country together. We have to stop hating those on the other side of the aisle and we have to stop rewarding the loudest (and most angry) voices on either side.
I’m not sure how we do this, but it certainly starts with each of us being nice to our fellow Americans. And understanding what the great Abraham Lincoln said.
Lincoln, who is one of my absolute favorite people to look up to and study, said that a house divided cannot stand.
It’s also worth remembering that Lincoln had approximately one year of schooling. He was self-educated, learning through books and reading that he did. And yet he proved to be one of the wisest leaders we ever had.
I think his example is one we should all follow. So, stay engaged on the issues and be kind when you talk about them, especially online.
And, please, sign up for free episodes at a minimum. We’d be proud to have you join us here.
And if you love what you’re reading, throw a couple of bucks in the hat by subscribing below.
The view from the front is a reader-supported publication. The best way to make this work sustainable, and to help improve it, is with a paid subscription. But at the same time, free ones are appreciated, too!
Semper Fidelis,
Stan R. Mitchell
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my books. I’ve written a CIA/Marine sniper series, a detective series, a private investigator series, an action-packed Western, a motivational/biography book about President Obama, and two realistic war novels: one about World War II and one about Afghanistan.
P.P.S. And here’s a short bio about me and what I’m trying to do with the newsletter.
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