The View from the Front Podcast. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
The 5-23-24 edition of The View from the Front podcast.

The 5-23-24 edition of The View from the Front podcast.

Welcome to The View from the Front podcast. My name is Stan and this is the May 23rd edition. 

You can listen to the podcast by clicking the link above. There is also an AI-generated transcript that you can find above. Or, you can find the podcast on your favorite channel by searching by name Stan R. Mitchell and The View from the Front.


Timestamp: 2:56. The Russian advance near Kharkiv falters.

Timestamp: 6:08. Ukraine’s energy grid has been rocked.

Timestamp: 9:50. Much needed artillery ammo finally reaches Ukraine’s front lines. 

Timestamp: 12:21. The pressure builds on Biden to greenlight Ukraine using American weapons against targets inside Russia.

Timestamp: 14:53. E.U. sets precedent with plan to use profits from frozen Russian assets

Timestamp: 17:44. Russia faces a growing labor shortage.

Timestamp: 21:58. Destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64) returns home from historic deployment.

Timestamp: 25:37. U.S. completes floating pier off Gaza, but challenges remain.

Timestamp: 32:47. Honoring a Medal of Honor recipient, as well as motivation and encouragement, just for you. 

Timestamp 53:09. An important message re: PTSD.

If you just happened to stumble by, let me say a quick word about what we’re doing here.

For those who don’t know, my name is Stan R. Mitchell, and I’m a prior Marine and journalist.

Every week, I primarily do three things with my podcast:

Take a listen to the podcast. I really hope you get something out of it.

By the way, you can sign up to support the show at the link below. (Or use the two options below that.)

You can also now sign up at Patreon or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell).

Selected source notes for podcast and transcript above.

Ukraine news:

Gift link: With its energy network nearly destroyed, Ukraine already fears the winter

Also, in contrast to the previous campaign against Ukraine’s energy sector, which focused primarily on destroying the electrical distribution grid, Russian forces are now directly targeting the country’s thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

Boiko said that consumption restrictions should be expected to last until September, by which time nuclear power stations — which provide half of the country’s electricity — will have ramped up production, while lower temperatures should reduce the energy demands.

Winter will be “undoubtedly difficult,” Boiko said — the only question is to what degree. Ukraine has lost some eight gigawatts of electricity production because of the strikes, he said — approaching half of what this country more than 30 million, the size of Texas, needs during peak periods.

E.U. sets precedent with plan to use profits from frozen Russian assets

Russia is currently experiencing a labour shortage that is becoming a significant problem in some sectors. According to estimates by the independent Russian media outlet Izvestia Russia had a 4.8 million shortage of workers in 2023. As an example, the Russian transport and logistics industry was unable to fill 25% of its truck driver vacancies during 2023.
The labour shortage has at least in part been caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, which has led to mobilisation of parts of the working population and emigration by some skilled professionals seeking to avoid the call-up. More recently, the labour shortage has been exacerbated by restrictions on migrant employment implemented following the 22 March 2024 ISIS-K terrorist incident in Moscow.
As a result of the labour shortages, a group of Russian parliamentarians are looking at possible amendments to the Russian labour code.

U.S. news:

USS Carney had ‘seconds’ to respond to anti-ship ballistic missiles

Challenges abound, but aid moves into Gaza

While 569 metric tons of aid have landed off the Defense Department's Joint Logistics, Over-the-Shore pier in Gaza, getting the aid to the Palestinian people has been a problem, officials said today.

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters that aid is making it ashore and the amount of aid should quickly increase as the process continues.

The problem with delivery comes as desperate Palestinians have been mobbing the trucks after they leave the marshalling yards. Ryder said there have been discussions among the U.S., Israel and the United Nations on efforts "to identify alternative routes for the safe movement of staff and cargo."

Never, ever give up segment links:

I call it the "Never, ever give up segment” because we must never ever give up as a country (though we face great division, a massive debt burden, and probably future problems that none of us could even predict. But we must never give up as a country.

And I believe we must stay united.

And also as individuals, we must never, ever give up. We’ve got family and friends counting on us, so in this section, I’m going to share some motivation to help encourage you.

I’d like to begin by honoring a Medal of Honor recipient.

If you don’t know, the Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration you can possibly earn in the military, and it’s awarded to service members who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor.

The medal is typically awarded by the President of the United States, upon the recommendation of the Armed Services.

I share these Medal of Honor stories to remind us of the sacrifices that have been made through the nearly 250 years of American history.

Through so many major wars, more than 1 million Americans have sacrificed their lives and died, getting us to this place and time.

In wars such as the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Desert Shield and Desert Storm, then after Sept 11th, there was Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

And these were only the major wars that I’ve listed, and I know I overlooked so many smaller conflicts. In all, more than 41 million Americans have served over the course of the nation's history. And as I said earlier, more than 1 million have died, and tens of millions have been wounded or had their lives shattered.

So, I think it’s always important we remember these facts, particularly when we have people regularly saying we face a potential civil war. Or that we should split up our country because of whatever the latest culture war is. Or any other number of silly reasons.

I think our grandparents and great-grandparents and those who came before them would be dumbfounded to think we could rip apart this great nation over such trifling issues.

Now, let’s share some motivation to make sure that we never, ever give up in our own personal lives.

Of course, if you’re a regular listener, you know I also speak about never giving up when I discuss PTSD at the end of the show.

But for now, let’s just talk about some motivation.

And we’ve got some great ones this week.

I always like to share a few from the Bible, because this book has become such a source of strength and wisdom and calm for me during the past year.

And I hope by sharing a few, it might encourage you to get into the Bible yourself. Because I think it’ll really help you.

And honestly, if you were like me, and you had spent years and years reading self-help books, meditating, Buddhism, whatever, and it’s still not working? Then why not try something else? We know that the definition of insanity is dong the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

If you’ve never cracked open the Bible, I invite you to try it. In fact, I almost double-dog dare you to try it. Because if it’s all fake, if it’s all not real, then it should have no effect.

It’s just another lame self-help book. But if you’re courageous enough to open it, I think it will rock your world, the same way it’s rocked mine.

Bottom line, what do you have left to lose? You’ve tried everything else, so why not try this.

And I think if you do, you’ll see that the Bible is the handbook for your life. I think you’ll find it speaking to you, because it’s not just ancient words, it’s the wisdom of God.

And if you need hope and purpose, if you’re really drowning and feeling lost, then you need more than the self-help quotes I shared above. You need God and one of the best ways to find Him is in the Bible. You don’t just have to go to some church you’re nervous to visit. You can start learning about Him from the safety of your home, by simply reading the Bible — either in print or on your phone through a Bible app.

And, I always like to end each week’s notes with this one:

And with that, thanks for joining us this week on The View from the Front.

If you can, consider at some point becoming a paid subscriber.

The View from the Front. By Stan R. Mitchell. is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

That’s it for this edition.

Dealing with PTSD? Emotionally or mentally at rock bottom? Here’s the link that I mention in each podcast: Be like Ozzie; go near your master. (The power of prayer. Part 1.)

Love my moderate, optimistic view of politics and want to know more about how I see things?

Go here:

As a reminder, please be kind and try your best to love your fellow Americans.

So many men and women have sacrificed, fought, and died to keep this country together the past 240-plus years. Please work daily to unite our country again. The vast majority of Americans are decent, loving, great people.

Also, please try to be a better person each and every day. Try to be kinder on social media and how you interact with others with whom you disagree.

Please join me again in our next episode, and please stay safe until then.

Love and peace,

Stan R. Mitchell

P.S. Don’t forget that I've also written twelve fast, exciting books.

Finally, I also write a faith blog about God and the Bible. (As a child, I was wounded badly by the church and left it to study other religions, before returning to the faith of my roots.)

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The View from the Front Podcast. By Stan R. Mitchell.
Stan R. Mitchell: The View from the Front
A podcast about defense news and looming hotspots, produced by a prior Marine who's trying to unite the country. Plus, each episode ends with a piece called the, "Never, ever give up segment." It's a piece of American history that will inspire you!