A heartwarming message. Thank you for sharing, Stan. Peace be with you. 🧡🤗

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I'm glad it helped you, too! It seriously just reaffirmed some things I had been thinking, but had been unable to put into words.

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It’s like, he’s run out of options and that would be his last resort. I fear if he’d try just out of spite, you know. He is too proud to admit defeat, once he’s started his soberbia won’t let him go back. But, let’s think positive, that there is still some sense in him and he will stop warring.

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He's a coward and he knows if he did, it'd lead to his most certain demise and death.

Also, we have warned those Russian commanders who are in charge of nuclear forces to not use them or else. Furthermore, we keep an eye on the departure or loading of any weapons with satellite and other means. It's not as simple to do as you would think, and I'm not sure his own commanders would follow his orders even if he commanded it. (America would probably warmly welcome with asylum any commander and their family who refused such orders; Putin's military knows he's out-of-control and too weak to even enforce many of the laws he's charged with upholding.)

Such as the recent release of the Muslim leader after a small uprising began. Putin is weak. His time is approaching unless he withdraws soon.

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If it’s as we believe, why don’t they overthrow him then? That would be from military side, right? Will that be factible? What if the military stays in power then, without democracy? This is such a mess, Stan! My head is reeling.

Tomorrow it’s presidential election day. I have to go vote, and I’m still undecided whom to vote. Lol They all look the same to me, looking after their own interests.

I think it’s high time I picked up my book and start reading, it’s 22:22 now, and soon I’ll feel drowsy with the meds. 😄

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Taking him out is a lot harder than refusing to fire a nuke. One requires a person to be proactive and risk it all. The other to stop insanity.

People still hope he'll pull out, accept defeat, or have someone else do what they're too scared too do. It's just human nature.

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I suppose so. Well, here’s to Putin coming to his senses, or Ukraine, together with the help of USA and EU, will win him over. 🙏

Have a lovely and blessed weekend, my dear Stan.

Love and Light. 🧡🌟

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