May 30Liked by The View f/ the Front podcast

Very informative episode!

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Thanks, Aida!!

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May 30Liked by The View f/ the Front podcast

I did not want to believe it when my nephew called this morning from France and said, “Aunty Meenaz, we are heading towards WWIII!” And now that I’ve read your post, it seems that way, Stan. Gods! Don’t we have enough problems in the world to add fuel to more problems to turn them

Into huge fires, like wars?

I find it distasteful and disgusting the wars created out of necessity to sell arms and to keep afloat the weapons companies.

Will Nostradamus’s prophecies become a reality? I hope not!

I pray fervently, every single day we never end up in a WWIII. Please. Stop. No more wars.

Sending Prayers, Love and Light to all the Governments, politicians and people around the world to think and act positively. To reconcile their hate, to stop being vengeful, to dissolve their resentments, and only think of Love to your fellow human beings. And not think of going to war.


Be safe and healthy, Stan. Stay blessed.


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No World Wars!! This is just typical jockeying, alignment, pushing, pulling, probing, etc. We are so blessed to live in the times that we currently live. Don't' let the news scare you (and certainly not my podcast, because I take pride in trying NOT to do that!) lol

China can't afford a World War III, and neither can the U.S.

Countries often push and strain to get their way more than they should. The best way to prevent World War III is to remind China that the world isn't going to allow them to keep taking things.

As we used to say in the Marine Corps, "If you want peace, prepare for war."

Deterrence is one of the only antidotes, as far as foreign policy goes.

And individually, we all need to make sure we're prepared to meet our maker, as we say here in the South. Because individually, we can only control so much. But we can make sure our soul is right with the Lord.

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May 30Liked by The View f/ the Front podcast

Thank you, Stan. It’s not only your podcast; it was the rumours told in the new and confirmed in breaking news a while ago, about US allowing Ukraine to use the US weapons in Russian territory, limited to military posts. And I remembered what Putin had manifested about this resolution if it happened. It has happened. Now what? How will Putin react? Why doesn’t USA allow the peace talks that Putin wants, ok, he had conditions, that don’t sound bad at first glance. And China surrounding Taiwan with their seacrafts,..

Hopefully it’s as you say, Stan. That it’s all politic games they all are playing at. That it’s all about Politica. But they sure scare the hell out of us mere mortals! Lo.

Thank you for reassuring me, Stan. I appreciate it very much. I am sure I will sleep better, although the pains don’t allow for much. But, it’s preferable to lose sleep because of physical pains, rather than because of the terrible world’s state. Lol.

Wish you a lovely evening and a relaxing night. 🧡🤗

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May 30Liked by The View f/ the Front podcast

Individually, we have to make peace with ourselves, forgive ourselves and others, and ask forgiveness to our Lord. We don’t have any control over when we will meet our Maker, but surely it’s in our hands to not provoke wars, to help the needed, to eradicate poverty and hunger in the world.

Peace. 🧡🤗

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All well said. ❤🙏

And Putin is bluffing. Regarding peace, if he wants peace, he can withdraw his troops on any given day.

He has a history of lies and has already broken nearly 50 cease fires with Ukraine, since his initial invasion in 2014. There is -- sadly -- nothing left to discuss. If you are a wife who has a husband who beats you, they're not going to change. You have to exit the situation. And if you have a neighbor who repeatedly invades you, you have to crush them and make them realize they can never do so again.

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May 30Liked by The View f/ the Front podcast

True. I agree with you, Stan. Politics, not my best front, it’s too complex for me. lol.

Thank you.

Stay well, my dear friend. Love to talk with you. You always reassure me with your thoughts, always sending positive energy. 🧡🤗

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Oh, thank you!! I try to always be positive and optimistic, because so many around me are negative lol. And that's no way to be! lol

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